Taiki It Easy

~Taiki Namiki's Blog~

Entries from 2020-04-01 to 1 month

【Life】Doing what's good and what's fun

I make decisions of my life mainly based on two principles: doing what's good and doing what's fun. I will think about this issue today and summarize my thoughs around these two elements. 1. Doing what's fun Firstly, doing what's fun is no…

【Philosophy】Managing the complex world

This Corona crisis makes me think about how difficult it is to manage the society. Regarding the role of WHO, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministries of Health and other related institutions, there are thousands of opinions online. Tons of…

【Philosophy】Thinking about the World after Corona shock

Taking advantage of this abundant time at home in the midst of this Corona shock, I wanna summarize my thoughts on the current world status and the world after this chaos. 【Psychological Perspective】 I am once again struck by how our per…


今、とある会社のCOOをやっていて、経営に携わることが多いのだが、経営者には必ず多くの分野を繋げて考える能力が必要に思う。 法律だけわかっても、人の心理がわからなければお客様の心理も、従業員の心理もわからないし、システムだけ分かってもマーケテ…