Taiki It Easy

~Taiki Namiki's Blog~

【Philosophy】Managing the complex world

This Corona crisis makes me think about how difficult it is to manage the society.


Regarding the role of WHO, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministries of Health and other related institutions, there are thousands of opinions online. 


Tons of criticisms and praises towards those institutions are posted online everyday and we are bonbarded by the information. Everytime we read convincing opinions, we lean towards it. 



One certain thing is that no institutions or leaders can make perfect decisions. Why? Because the world is too complex for one person or one institution to manage in a perfect manner.


As a director of a company of 70 employees, I can tell. It is impossible to manage everything even in an organization of 70 people. How come is it possible to make a perfect decision in a country of 100 million population? (in case of Japan)


In a company of 70 people, there are 


70 C 2 = 2415


ways of communication between 2 people and 


70 C 3 = 54740


ways of communication among 3 people.



This is already overwhelming. 

Nobody can monitor this amount of communication happening everyday.  And noone can take all these information into account when they make decisions.




So, it is wrong to expect a perfect solution to your company, government or other institutions. 


We live in a coplex world. 

【Philosophy】Thinking about the World after Corona shock

Taking advantage of this abundant time at home in the midst of this Corona shock, I wanna summarize my thoughts on the current world status and the world after this chaos.


【Psychological Perspective】

I am once again struck by how our perception is skewed by our media exposure. As Daniel Kahneman argued in Thinking Fast and Slow, "the world in our head is not the precise replica of the reality". We understand the world based on information around us. And you cannot blame that because that is the only way we collect information, process it and come to conclusion. We are slaves of availability heuristics.

Surely, we can and should make effort to collect accurate information (such as statistical data and reliable experts' opinion) but still, those data sources are skewed by the bias of the creators of those information. 

This is why nothing is certain and it is impossible to predict the future. There is no complete information and we need to make decisions based on it.


【Epistemological Perspective】

This is to say that there always remain the field of unknown unknowns, as Rumsfeld said when they are about to start the Irak war. And it is what we don't know that matters, as Taleb said in Black Swan

If we can only know certain aspects of the world and what matters is what we do not know, then what's the point of learning, studying and thinking? 

This might lead us to a nihilistic world view. 


【Ontological Perspective】

But as Philip Tetlock argues in Superforecasting, it is not that every thinking is meaningless. By thinking in an appropriate manner, we can at least increase the probability of understanding the world correctly.
As Markus Gabriel argues in Why the world does not exist, there are absolute things in this world. Not everything depends on our perception. 


【International Order】

What this Corona crisis shows is the unfainess of this world. The poor is disproportionately affected by the virus. This is not only the case in this crisis. Many global problems such as climate change and immigration affect the poor more than the rich. 

Lockdown does not affect the lives of the rich that much. They can stay at home, order food delivery, excersice inside their big house and enjoy intellectual conversation. But the poor cannot sell their food on streets and immediately looses their source of income. 

This happens both in inter-national level and intra-national level. 
Where is justice? Where is human rights?

Maybe we still live in the world ruled by the law of jungle.



So the question of "Life or Economy" is a false dichotomy. Especially for the poor, economy IS life. This is especially applicable to developing countries. If many people die of hunger because of lockdown, what's the point of doing it? 

We need to compare and analyze the Pros and Cons of Lockdown and No Lockdown in terms of total damage. 

What's important is to think about the global optimum, not local optimum. 



This mindsed is quite important in business management too because the goal of an organization is to pursue its global optimum, not the local optimum of each department. Resource (money, people, information, mental energy, time, etc etc) is always scarce. How to allocate these finite resources to achieve global optimum is the essence of the game called business.


【International Cooperation】

However, pursuing global optimum is what's missing in this modern world, as Harari points out in recent talks. An appropriate counter measure towards this Corona Shock is not segregation but cooperation. 

What happens in Uganda is not an irrelevant event in the other side of the world as Ebola outbreak showed us, especially in this globalized world. Its OUR problem. 

Likewise, poverty, injustice, inequality, pollution, etc etc are our problems too. We need to tackle those problems all together but it seems like countries are going to opposite directions, yelling "we come first". The world is not flat enough.



But not everything is going wrong. There are people taking advantage of this event for inner growth and introspection. 

Staying home all day gives you time to read, write, meditate, talk to your family and appreciate the value of ordinary life. 

Some people might start rethinking about their life and shift their career towards desirable direction.

In Chinese (and in Japanese), crisis is written "危機" and it is a combination of danger (危)and opportunity (機). We can regard this crisis as an opportunity to bring this world to an upper stage of development.




























一時期はそうだろうと思ってたんだが、最近Slavoj Zizekが「Happiness is a conformist category」と言っていたのを聞いて、そうだな、とも思った。幸せは目的にはなり得ない、と。




じゃあ、幸せじゃなくて、何を追い求めるのか? 例えば使命感。貧困削減とか、環境問題の解決とか、不正の告発とか、正義の追求とか。それらは、追い求める上で苦痛を伴う可能性が高い。幸せにはなれないかもしれないけど、それらを使命感を持って追求することが真の人生の目的だ、という主張。



















これは、Sapiens (by Yuval Noah Harari) の主張とも整合的です。ホモ=サピエンスが他のどの動物よりも強く、ホモ類の中でただ一種生き残れたのは、大規模な協力(何百万人単位の)があったからで、それを可能にしたのは、宗教なり国家なり貨幣なりといった「ストーリー」だった、ということ。




Thinking Fast and Slow(by Daniel Kahneman)に詳しく書かれていますが、人は、何かを主張する際に(つまりストーリーを語る際に)自分に都合の良いデータだけを集めてきてその主張を正当化するバイアスを持っています。



































































